08 September 2008

fade to fall

Central Park West / New York, New York
There is nothing more indicative, at least here in the northeast, of a fading summer than the gradual appearance of window boxes and planters filled with chrysanthemums. They comes in a variety of shades of white, purples, yellows, reds, and oranges. While native to Asia and northeastern Europe, having been cultivated in China as a flowering herb before the 15th century, they seem to flourish in our cooler Fall temperatures. The Garden Hardy variety is a perennial and can be wintered over in the ground, though rarely done so, at least here in the City. By late November, the multitude of colorful boxes have disappeared. Fade to winter.


Katiepie333G said...

very nice, I like this one! and actually got a bunch of mums for my balcony!

Anonymous said...

thanks! one of my first shots using my new Nikon macro lens that I got yesterday!